Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Tahiti - Week 5

"We smile and remember that God is determined 
to make of us more than we thought we could be."
Jeffrey R. Holland

Sœur Wright didn't get a group letter out this week as she was literally sick all week. Last week, most of the sisters in her house had bronchitis. Mickey was doing all she could to not get sick - but she did. She stayed most of the week at home trying to rest up and recover.  The mission President's wife told her it was normal to get sick and it's harder for her body to fight off stuff because all the germs are new to her system. She is starting to feel better though!  

That being said, Sister Wright told me that the best lesson she gave this week 
was a lesson of comfort to another missionary in her home. 
She said, "Sœur Mendenhall doesn't feel like she is a good missionary...which is sad, 
and this week has been really hard on her emotionally, 
so I sat down with her one day and we just talked. 
It was exactly what she needed. 
And me too." 
Sister Wright also taught an English class this week. 
She said it was hilarious and she felt like she could be herself with all the people there. 
"I loved it."

Also, this week, Mickey was sad because her bike gotten taken away. Apparently, it's not in the regulations for a Sister Missionary to have a men's bike. She said, "I was SO SAD when they took it away. I liked that thing, I felt like I was safe (like when you have a reliable vehicle)."   
She will get her new bike in July. 

Mickey also ended up going to the dentist this week. She was a bit nervous about going in a 3rd world country, but then found out the dentist spoke English and actually went to  dentistry school in NY so then she wasn't scared. He fixed one tooth and then she went on her way. The filling was fine. He fixed a different tooth and told her to be extra careful when flossing.  
Hopefully she won't have anymore teeth issues!

Sœur Wright's favorite part of the week was FOOD! 
A sister in her house made Salsa (it wasn't Mexican, but still good). 
She thought it was a tender mercy. ...I can imagine - especially after she said, 
"I had pig intestines for dinner last night...no need to barf, I already did. 
(hahaha just kidding) but it wasn't good."
Luckily, she found Skittles at the store and said,  "You best believe I bought them!" 
Also, Sr. Mendenhall made pumpkin cupcakes with BUTTERCREAM frosting!!! 
Mickey's response, "I was literally in Heaven."

One thing Mickey has learned is to accept compliments.
In Tahiti, it's rude not to.
I personally love the lesson in it. 
She said, "In America, it's like a sign of humility, but everywhere else in the world it is rude not to accept a gift that someone is giving you. They're being sincere."

I LOVE this picture! Don't they all look so cute in their matching Tahitian dresses?!
^^The Sister Missionaries in Mickey's house^^
L to R: Sr Barton, Sr. Wright, Sr Teahu, Sr. Garbutt, Sr. Mendenhall, Sr. Larsen

Captions of the week:
"An Elder was talking about something in Tahiti 
(which refers to most things in Tahiti, and I agree wholeheartedly) 
'It's just so ghetto and random that I can't not like it...'  
hahahahaha I just about died." 
"Another caption is one that I said as we were driving to our mission concert, 
'I love how everyone here either doesn't believe in bras or that's all they're wearing.' "
I'm glad to know that even when Mickey's feeling sick, she still has her sense of humor!

^^The currency used in Tahiti (and all of the French Polynesia) is the French Pacific Franc
or the XPF OE CFP. Bank notes come in denominations of 500, 1000, 5000 and 10,000. Coins come in denominations of 1,2,5,10,20,50 and 100.

Please remember to keep Sister Wright in your prayers so this week will be a great one or her! 
Love to you all, 
Aunt Jess

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