Thursday, August 10, 2017

Tahiti - Week 11

Real intent means doing the right things for the right reasons.

I hope you're not counting the weeks anymore..

Bonjour tout le monde! I have a lot of gratitude in my heart for all
of your support and love from thousands of miles away. I love that I
can truly feel it, along with all your prayers. A big THANK YOU!

A newly returned missionary bore his testimony this week by sharing an
experience he had the first few months on his mission. -Elder Paea
served in Sydney Australia speaking English. When he first arrived he
knew how to say: hello, how are you, and goodbye. He even remembers a
time someone asked him how many siblings he had and he looked at them
for a minute and responded with "yes." When they responded with a
strange look on their face, Elder Paea knew that wasn't the correct
response. Day after day he became more discouraged and his desire to
return home became more prevelant. He finally decided it was time to
go home, so he had the phone in his hand, ready to call his mission
Président when the Holy Ghost whispered to him that he had two
options. He could call his president, or he could pray. He fought the
thought for a few minutes until he decided to pray. During his prayer,
he felt an overwhelming amount of gratitude for the opportunity he had
to be serving a mission. it was his choice to be there.

I can honestly say that he was telling my exact situation. I had the
same feelings, the same questions posed to me, but I chose to pray.
-and I'm SO glad I did! My mission has already been the biggest
blessing. I love it here. ♥ I love these people, I love this Island,
but more than anything, I love my Savior! ♥ That is why I'm here! That
is why I'm grateful for the opportunity I have to be here!

-Funny story! My acne has been really bad here in Tahiti just with how
dirty everything is, and Tahitians don't get acne, so they always
comment on it. (It's their way of showing me love..) (Cracks me up
every time) but this week someone asked me if I've tried Fafaru and
when I said "yes" she said that my acne was an allergic reaction to
it!! I about died... but at least I can use that as an excuse not to
eat foods I don't like. hahah

I'm really sorry, I forgot my camera this week.. -Next week I'll have
photos for you all. Just know I had good intentions in taking over 80
photos this week but I'm human.

Grande bisous! ♥♥ Je vous aime!

I LOVE that Mickey wrote about her reason for being (and staying) on a mission. Real Intent. It's her love for her Savior. Isn't that really why we all do (or don't do) what we do? Our actions and daily rituals are proof that we follow God and show just how much we love him. 
In the last 2 1/2 years as I have had a closer relationship with Mickey, I have seen her heart change. I have witnessed the true love she has for others - but I have especially noticed just how much her heart has changed - changed to show a great devotion to the God she has become truly grateful for. It has been an amazing journey for me and Brad to witness and it's heartwarming to know just how much Mickey continues to become what he wants her to be. 
...and it's because of her developing devotion towards him that he blesses her. Honestly, Mickey is truly an amazing soul. Very strong. 
My heart immediately fills with an immense amount of love at the very thought of her. Boy, do I miss her. But, mostly, ...*tears* ...I am truly in awe of her and grateful that she continues to choose the higher road of excelling alongside her Heavenly Father.
I love you, Mickey.
Her story of living with true intent reminds me of a conference talk I loved.
 I wanted to share just a tidbit of it: 

Too often we passively follow patterns and habits that have been developed through the years—we just go through the motions without carefully considering where those motions are taking us. Living with real intent adds focus and purpose to our lives and can make all the difference. Living with real intent means understanding the “why”—the motives behind our actions. Socrates said, “The un-examined life is not worth living.”1 So ponder how you spend your time, and ask yourself regularly, “Why?” This will help you develop the ability to see beyond the moment. It’s far better to look ahead and ask yourself, “Why would I do that?” than to look back and say, “Why, oh, why did I do that?”

I encourage you to live a deliberate and focused life - even if you haven't consistently done so in the past. Don't be discouraged by thoughts of what you have already done or not done. Let the Savior wipe the slate clean. Remember what He has said: "As oft as they repented and sought forgiveness, with real intent, they were forgiven" (Moroni 6:8; emphasis added.)

Start now. Live an intentional life, understanding life, understanding why you do what you do and where it will lead. As you do these things, you will discover that the most important "why" behind everything you do is that you love the Lord and recognize His perfect love for you. May you find great joy in you search for perfection and in understanding and doing His will.

May we all live with real intent and devote our lives fully to Heavenly Father.

Also, I have a surprise for you!!  Mickey may not have sent us pictures, but I did receive some pictures this week from one of her ward members that I am will  share with you! The quality of the photos aren't the best, but they made my day! ...the Lord truly works in mysterious and amazing ways!

In case you're wondering, Mickey is wearing a Flower Crown. In Tahiti, it's used for special occasions such as weddings, cultural nights, a night out or dating. They say for a woman, it's a plus for their Tahitian beauty.
If you ask me, Mickey is beautiful with or without a Flower Crown. :)

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