Friday, April 28, 2017

Letter - Week 6

^^Don't you just LOVE this photo? ^^
It warms my heart! ♥ I miss that personality in our home! 

Soeur Wright had another great week! She and her companion were extended another week as STL's because they are doing such a fantastic job! "I have felt my love for these sisters increase every day!" she said. Mickey is constantly learning and growing. She is being blessed as well. One way she was blessed this week was getting the opportunity to eat dinner at the Mission President's home. 
Mickey said, "It was SO nice to have a sweet home cooked meal." 
Tomorrow Soeur Wright and her district start learning Tahitian! She says "It's a fun language!" Mickey is well versed in French and tomorrow her district will be doing an "English Fast" - where they only speak French all day long. I know she'll do a great job! 

By the way, we are now set up so you can leave comments if you'd like to! 
Feel free to leave uplifting and positive messages only! 

Read below for Seour Wright's letter from her sixth week in the MTC:

Bonjour! This week has been a successful week in learning French. Wanna know how I know that?? I went up to Spanish speaking elders and sisters and tried to have a full on conversation with them (in Spanish) but as it turns out.. I was definitely speaking French.. Oops! I also Dream in French, and have a hard time falling asleep most nights because of conjugating. 

Sœur Robinson and I sang in the Sunday night Devotional and it was solidly OKAY! Thank you all for your prayers for my cute companion! She was feeling much better, and we even remembered all the words! 
Being a missionary means you never know what's happening.. SERIOUSLY. I am always asked to do things out of my comfort zone, and I've learned that I just need to get comfortable being uncomfortable. I know especially in singing, I have enhanced my talents and shared them with more people than I ever thought I would. 
Another lesson learned: The BEST way to become the person you want to, is to BE! We can't say we will become that person later, when the best time to do it is right now! So I challenge you all to BE that person! ♥
We said "Abientôt" (see you soon) to one of our teachers this week! She is headed to Africa for Study Abroad with BYU. -She plays the role of one of our investigators, so before she left we practiced telling our investigators that we were being transferred. -Let me tell ya, it was one of the hardest things I have ever done. I can't imagine how hard it will be for me to leave the MTC let alone how hard it will be for me to leave Tahiti. ♥ I already have such a deep love for my district here at the MTC, and especially for my companion. ♥ We sang "Till We Meet Again.." for our teacher in Tahitian & French, and no one could hold back the tears. She expressed her love for us, and then said that the day will come where we will all meet together again in 17 months and sing that same song for the LAST time as a missionary, and it will tear our hearts apart. I feel that. It broke my heart! I dread the last day of my mission more than anything.

OH! Our district starts learning Tahitian TOMORROW! --that means, none of you will be able to use Google Translate on the things I say anymore.. (; ♥

I have a few jokes for you today! (Because you know me!) So, we have "Pillars of Humor"  that we do to help people have fun here! One of them being: looking through peep holes (there are peep holes in every door at the MTC) so when your companion is looking through a door, you push her ever so softly into the door.. well, FUNNY STORY! I was looking through the door, and Sœur Robinson pushed me ever so slightly, and I SMACKED my eye on the Peep hole. I had a nice imprint of the circle on my eye, and I now have a big bruise. HA. I also put Oregano Essential Oil on my face instead of Meleluca and I Burnt my face.. oh, and I used my Facial toner as Perfume this morning...

Analogy for missing home! - Home is not something I will ever forget about.. nor will I ever stop missing.. however, on a mission I can't be thinking about home and focused on the work of now! I have to let home be something very dear to me, that I can put on a shelf, to glance at and admire from time to time.. but I also have to let it collect some dust, for when I return I can dust it off and Enjoy home, and fully be there. ♥

I LOVE our Savior, Jesus Chirst! I LOVE the power of Missionary Work!! 
I LOVE YOU! -But I wouldn't choose to be anywhere else. ♥

Keep Smiling! 
Je vous aime! ♥

♥/Sœur Wright


  1. Mickey, You are soooo pretty! I love you! - ♥ Ash

  2. Bonjour ma cheri Souer Wright! Je t'aime beaucoup! Nous amimon ton lettre! Quell difference de le premier lettre et ton lettre de audjour'hui! L'esprit de la TMC est fantastic! N'est pa???? Tu fait si si bien, et nous some si fier de toi! Nous aimon beaucoup! Oncle Eddie
